About Melissa

MeandMyGirl blog


I am Melissa and I live in Palmdale, California with my two children, ages 16 and 8.  I picked up photography from my Dad who gave me my grandfather’s film SLR when I was a teenager.  Since then I have enjoyed every minute of my photography journey.  When I am not taking pictures I am teaching middle school science, playing with my kids, cooking a new recipe, researching our family history or teaching myself something new.


1.  Whats in your camera bag?

Nikon D700035mm 1.8, 50mm 1.8, 17-80mm zoom and a 70-200mm zoom and a variety of fun macro filters and such things.  I also take a lot of photos with my iphone.

2.  Are you self taught or did you go to school for photography?  A little of both.  My dad was a photographer and when he gave me my grandfathers film camera he took the time to teach me to use a light meter and how to shoot in Manual.  I took photography in high school and in community college.  When I went back to school for my BA I studied Cultural and Visual Anthropology, specifically how images affect culture.  I also went for a minor in Art History.  I took several classes like Photography and Culture, Multimedia Ethnography, and a wide variety of Art History classes.  All that considered, most of my hands on photography knowledge was learned through online reading or practice.  One of the best things I have done for my growth as a photographer is joined the ClickinMoms forum.  Sorry guys, its just for women.  ClickinMoms is an incredible resource for women photographers of every level, professional or hobbyist.  I highly recommend checking them out and taking one of their life changing online workshops.

3.  Do you use Lightroom or Photoshop?  I use Lightroom and Photoshop.

4.  Do you shoot in RAW or Jpg?  Always RAW.

5.  Do you use any actions or presets?   No, I do all my own editing.  If I use an action or preset its one I created myself.

6.  What are you working on right now?  I have taken a long break from photography and am just feeling the stir to take pictures again.  However I am inspired to make more art rather than take portraits, so I am focused on that for now.  I am enchanted by nature’s patters, line, shadow, and colors.

7.  What advice can you give me for my own photographic journey?   Take pictures everyday.  Find a personal project.  Print your pictures.  You will learn way more from your images if you see them in print.  Join a photography group like ClickinMoms or a flickr or Facebook group and get involved.  Start a photography blog to document your journey.  Its ok if you need a break.  Focus that time on learning new things and come back to the camera when you are inspired again.  Allow yourself to change.

8.  If you could go anywhere where would you go?  Provence, France.  Glastonbury, England.  Ireland.  Anywhere in Italy.  Greece.  China.  Australia.  Istanbul.  Crete.  Egypt.  Dubai. India. Vermont in Fall, Hawaii, Montana.  Pretty much everywhere.

Thank you for visiting and have a beautiful day!

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One thought on “About Melissa

  1. I came across your blog today and I really enjoy it! Thanks for posting such detailed information about your creative process, it’s nice to see that openness 🙂 I’ll defintely be back here again!

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